Sunday, 14 April 2013


Sometimes, I get bored. Sometimes, this boredom will lead me to Omegle. This is a nice place for me to chat with people about pretty much anything. They often want to talk about sex, but you learn how to dodge this.

I use their question feature, as it helps skip to the interesting part of the conversation: having something to talk about that isn't "asl". Someone suggests something for the other two to talk about, and they watch the scene unfold.

Now, I'm getting royally annoyed at something FAR too many users are doing. They have mistaken omegle, a website for people to chat at random, for somewhere for people to post their username for another chat site Kik. I have never used kik. I don't intend to. I did not come to omegle to chat on kik. If I wanted to chat on Kik, can you guess where I'd be? What's that? Kik? Why, I think that sounds about right!

It has gotten to the point where any users who actually want to talk about something interesting have to wade through a sea of kik users trawling along for someone to talk to. I don't know where they could find someone to talk to on a random chatsite!

It may be good for some people who actually want to chat on kik instead of the place they came to. Probably helps them shift through convos so they find someone as braindead as they are. But for the people who want to talk about the given topic, it's less than useless. It's a large obstacle that zerg rushes users relentlessly.

It gives nothing to talk about! What can we say other than "god damn it, get off our site!" or "sure, I'll have a clean chat with you on this other site, totally random but clearly legit stranger!"

Someone probably set up a kik exchange website somewhere. Search kik exchange. It's just an idea. If not, give it time. But one thing for sure is omegle wasn't made to be a username exchange for another website! It was made for random conversations and bolstering some random american politician who claimed he would legalise everything whenever you mentioned Obama or Romney. That annoyed me too.

I can't say omegle should be perfect. I can't say omegle ever will be perfect. Too many penises in the video chat. And no, moderation won't work. It just means there's one group of people who want to see naked men and one group who hope they won't see a naked man but probably will eventually.

But we should at least make an effort with the question section. The questions will still be dumb, but we'll have something more interesting to talk about than posting a seventeen-thousandth kik request. Or the fact that you're sexually aroused of whatever gender and looking for a chat of some form.

I hope you learned something. And if you're someone who posts your kik username on omegle GET THE HECK OFF OMEGLE AND FIND YOUR OWN WEBSITE TO RUIN!!!

P.s., it makes no sense to say your sexual orientation and ask for a clean chat.

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