Friday, 5 July 2013

Kingdom Hearts 3 Worlds Speculation

It was bound to happen. When Kingdom Hearts 3 was announced with a small tech demo, every Kingdom Hearts fan immediately jumped to a thought of "I wonder what they're gonna do this time!" Well, it was less what they think will happen and what they want to happen, regardless of whether or not it's a viable idea.

I'm not going to do that. I'm going to do my best to list the worlds that are likely to appear, and will justify myself at every turn. If I suggest a new world, I will admit that I am being a slight fanboy for it, but I genuinely believe it would fit into the KH universe.

As an assumption, I believe the game to take place 1 year after KH2.

Returning Worlds

Radiant Garden

This is one that's become a staple of the series, and it's unlikely to stop now. There will be Merlin's ever moving house, a market square, some section of castle that holds the computer, and there is even a chance of Maleficent's castle turning up.

Something amazing would be if the Restoration Committee was being usurped by a small gang called "The Turks", lead by Shinra. Unlikely that Reno would be there, given Lea's pivotal role in the story, but it would still kick arse! You introduce a new threat to RG's stability, and bring in more FF characters. Chances are they'll just bring in Snow, which is better than some alternative FF13 characters.

Castle Oblivion

Sora picked up Master Keeper, the only thing capable of navigating Castle Oblivion. Combining this with the hints that Ven's gonna wake up again, you can only assume they will go and pick him up.

Twilight Town

They included it in the tech demo. You do the math.

Plus, they have a fairly good environment for Shaz to turn up and finally have a black guy in the series that doesn't represent the darkness. Suddenly, we have Chocobos in the series.

The Mysterious Tower

Yen Sid is still the master, so they'll check in when he gives them the obvious exposition at the start of the game. I would love if he magic'd another structure that is normally next to him but wasn't because magic.


It's a staple of the series, and they've just done the sequel so it's unlikely they'd stop now. The story is right there, and you know they'll work the cave of wonders in there for SOME reason.

Olympus Collesium

There is no reason for this to be here, other than that it's a staple of the series and the tournaments are extremely popular. I have no idea of the story, but presumably Hades uses a dead FF character to finally topple Hercules while Sora's trio try to prove themselves heroes.

Halloween/Christmas Town

I don't think there's a lot of potential for this one, since they've already killed Oogie twice. (Admittedly, with a lot more explanation of how it happened than Ursula being killed three times!)

I kind of hope that this doesn't return, but I must sadly admit it very well could.

New Worlds

Wild Jungle

A Jungle Book world, something they intended for BBS but couldn't quite make in time.Some Aztec Temples, a wasteland, a riverside, a wolfden, and the riverside by the man village. And the return of the Deep Jungle heartless.

I struggled with the name, I have to say. It has to involve the world Jungle, but Deep Jungle was taken. And given they can't use Tarzan, they're unable to use the name without controversy about his absence.

Game Terminal

Having sorted out the computer, Tron sets the teleporter nearby to lead to Ansem's recreation software, filled with old arcade games. Tron is setting up his Space Paranoids game, and invites Sora in to see how things are going. Given he's gonna see Tron again, he jumps right in.

Sora gets his Space Paranoids get up, and decides to explore the other areas Tron brought back online. The three he got working again are Fit It Felix Jr., Hero's Duty and Sugar Rush. There's only two rooms in the former two, but Sugar Rush takes up most of the level.

Heartless based on Haribo. Heartless Gummy Bear. It's just so easy to include in the story, you'd be mad not to.

Nomanisan Island

I'm cribbing this idea from somewhere else, but it's all public domain speculation. Meet the Incredibles who wonder why you're so strong, despite not being supers. Chased down by Syndrome... There's a lot of potential here, more than most Pixar films I can think up. People love toy story, but it's always a challenge saying why the character has to shrink.

Blue Island

Stitch lands, meets Lilo, fends off Gantu with Sora's help. There might even be a little cutscene before Sora heads there where stitch sneaks on board while Sora is leaving Radiant Garden. He pops out and has to learn how to cope without a large city like Radiant Garden to cause havoc in.


This one's a little bit more unlikely, but the world of Rapunzel. You have the city square and prison, the forest, the tower, the dam, the snugly duckling... You fight alongside Flynn, which is the character you'd follow closest.

The Forgotten City

I have no idea how likely this is, but they need SOMEWHERE to have the next Cloud/Sephiroth fight. Why not have a world Cloud went to in order to fight the darkness inside him, represented in this case by the Remnants of Mother. Kadaaj, Loz and Yazoo, plus a small army of enemies, against Cloud and Sora's gang.

Ooh! Vincent shows up, showing what happens if you live with the darkness but don't let it consume you! Heck, let's just bring in Barrett too.

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