As I wrote the title, I realized how my blogs are a really dull analyzing of everything or a negative outlook, which is really not who I am. I'm a generally ignorant optimist who secludes himself to a virtual world.
But, I now feel the need to list the six most irritating thing in my life. If you do one of these things and I yell at you, you're probably luckier than the person who does this while I suppress my rage.
So, starting at number six is the ignorant! Like, blindingly ignorant, to the point that they lap the idea of a lovable ditz and become the arrogant know-it-all who only knows false things.
This can range from chavs in school who are under the impression that they are so 'well-'ard' that they need to prove their strength by tormenting and slapping kids that are just minding their own business looking up fire-arms (I'm looking at you, Lorenzo!) to people who will actually listen to somebody elses point of view and then seconds later retcon all the information you just gave from their head and continue their frankly illogical argument as if it's more valid than an argument that turns alcoholics into artistic geniuses.
Next up: number five. It's sort of a pet peeve, but you know when you're dragging something solid like the edge of a bit of card or a fingernail across a piece of fabric like nylon or a bit of string? Yeah, that gives me shivers and makes me cringe... It's just... mean...
Number four: It's the idea that something's funny if said enough. Apparently, according to number 5, the word N*gger said repeatedly and quickly is worth a LLOL (I'll explain later). The same idea apparently applies to 'big booty b*tches' and the stammer of that little pig in Loony Toons without dialogue. And how they act like a comedy act consists of taking one word said by a person you're having a go at and saying it for an hour in a silly voice. I'm having a go at the chavs from number five, but for a different reason (so shut your face, Rhys).
Number three: whenever I'm trying to pay attention to something, like a film or the computer or even just my thought, and then some random dude comes along and is all like 'hEEEy guY! i sEe you WaNt 2 waTcH tHis FilM, so i'M GoiNG To STAnd In fROnt oF YoU aNd tALk VerY LoUdlY!!!', I fail to see how it's MY fault for their slaughter. I'm trying to pay attention, so shut up!
Number two: Mold. Buuuuuhuuhuuuuhuhuhuhuhu... Make that ANY FUNGUS! It's just horrid! Would rather the chavs making that card of rope sound repeatedly and laughing their asses off than even THINK of mold. It's EVIL! Kill the mold! Kill it with fire! Kill every spore! There's a reason I hate mushrooms. I actually used to beat them with a stick if I saw some in the garden. Just...
Never send me a Parasect on Pokemon. Never.
Number one: kind of obvious. If you ever upset Angel, expect me to treat fungus kind in comparison to you. You NEVER upset her. Got that?! I do not need to say any more.
O.K. I eagerly await the next, more positive blog. In the meantime, read Angel's Blog and Turnip's Blog. Not too active right now, but give it time.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Friday, 25 March 2011
So, this girl...
Prepare for the gushy. Are you prepared? Good.
So, just to let you know, I was inspired, and even told, to write this blog about my girlfriend who you should know as the most AMAZING GIRL THAT EVER EXISTED. If you don't, then you shall call her Angel. Her name isn't Angel, but my friend who writes a blog I am not ripping off isn't called Turnip. Just roll with it.
I met here three years two months (thank you Angel) and six days before this blog was posted at a performing school that went on during Saturdays. I was... a bit of a loner. Says something about how much of a loner I was that I am now more social and am writing a blog.
I was sitting perfectly still, thinking some thoughts I do not know if I thought since. Then, she came over to me to talk. We became friends. I think we mainly talked about doctor who. She can correct me if she likes.
She fancied me back then (don't ask me, I don't know why either) and apparently smiled during a performance when she got to look at me. She was annoyed when I didn't look back. She was more annoyed when I forgot her name after knowing her for 6 weeks. Never forgot that since...
At some point, she tricked me into going on a swimming/KFC date (we did one then the other, although both at once would be interesting...) and we learned more about each other.
A long time passed, and she was starting to think 'hey, this isn't actually going to happen, is it?'. Ironically, I had a dream about the same time where I only just caught the ending where she batted her eyes at me whilst wearing a beautiful dress. The image is fading, but the thought that followed will always sound loud and clear in my head, as it has sounded many times since and will sound many times in the future: Wow... She is beautiful.
Half a year later (January 6th 2010) we were talking. My best friend, who I don't have a title for, told her about the dream and she was trying to get me to tell her over an instant messenger which pretty much any british teen could tell you of. She used a question exchange method (oddly, the main way we get things done) which let me ask questions back, such as how she feels about me. I told her, and got to ask her out.
6 weeks later, she broke up with me and went out with my best mate from before for 3 months starting the few days following. He's gay now, and me and her kissed (for the first time, 23rd May 2010) two days after they broke up.
We all had our reasons, and a few 'readers' have done worse. Let's move on.
She is a truly amazing girl. She's amazingly caring to the point she felt guilty that she couldn't protect people in Japan. She's got beautiful brown hair with a soft curl depending on whether she straightened or not, and blue eyes like a turquoise sewing pattern linking two rings, one in the middle of the other.
Name one other person who would sit on a sofa using a combination of psychoanalysis and knowledge of Pokemon to deduce whether someone 'caught' all three starter Pokemon on Emerald. If you can, please state if they are of the opposite gender and absolutely stunning.
I could honestly live the rest of my life with that girl. Forever...
Angel, don't deny it! This is all true!
So, just to let you know, I was inspired, and even told, to write this blog about my girlfriend who you should know as the most AMAZING GIRL THAT EVER EXISTED. If you don't, then you shall call her Angel. Her name isn't Angel, but my friend who writes a blog I am not ripping off isn't called Turnip. Just roll with it.
I met here three years two months (thank you Angel) and six days before this blog was posted at a performing school that went on during Saturdays. I was... a bit of a loner. Says something about how much of a loner I was that I am now more social and am writing a blog.
I was sitting perfectly still, thinking some thoughts I do not know if I thought since. Then, she came over to me to talk. We became friends. I think we mainly talked about doctor who. She can correct me if she likes.
She fancied me back then (don't ask me, I don't know why either) and apparently smiled during a performance when she got to look at me. She was annoyed when I didn't look back. She was more annoyed when I forgot her name after knowing her for 6 weeks. Never forgot that since...
At some point, she tricked me into going on a swimming/KFC date (we did one then the other, although both at once would be interesting...) and we learned more about each other.
A long time passed, and she was starting to think 'hey, this isn't actually going to happen, is it?'. Ironically, I had a dream about the same time where I only just caught the ending where she batted her eyes at me whilst wearing a beautiful dress. The image is fading, but the thought that followed will always sound loud and clear in my head, as it has sounded many times since and will sound many times in the future: Wow... She is beautiful.
Half a year later (January 6th 2010) we were talking. My best friend, who I don't have a title for, told her about the dream and she was trying to get me to tell her over an instant messenger which pretty much any british teen could tell you of. She used a question exchange method (oddly, the main way we get things done) which let me ask questions back, such as how she feels about me. I told her, and got to ask her out.
6 weeks later, she broke up with me and went out with my best mate from before for 3 months starting the few days following. He's gay now, and me and her kissed (for the first time, 23rd May 2010) two days after they broke up.
We all had our reasons, and a few 'readers' have done worse. Let's move on.
She is a truly amazing girl. She's amazingly caring to the point she felt guilty that she couldn't protect people in Japan. She's got beautiful brown hair with a soft curl depending on whether she straightened or not, and blue eyes like a turquoise sewing pattern linking two rings, one in the middle of the other.
Name one other person who would sit on a sofa using a combination of psychoanalysis and knowledge of Pokemon to deduce whether someone 'caught' all three starter Pokemon on Emerald. If you can, please state if they are of the opposite gender and absolutely stunning.
I could honestly live the rest of my life with that girl. Forever...
Angel, don't deny it! This is all true!
Monday, 14 March 2011
Pessimism, Optimism, Realism
I would just like to start by saying that I am not ripping off Musings on Life by Turnip, although you should totally check it out, he's a very clever guy. Needs more paragraphs and audience flare, but he's still very good. Where was I?
Oh right. I read on a friends Facebook page that 'Pessimism is Realism'. Doesn't that just annoy you? If you actually agree, prepare for a scathing editorial blog about how wrong you are, and why your being wrong is a very bad thing.
Ok, so the basic argument. I shall start by listing the arguments said to me to support pessimism being accurate. Happiness is essentially the ability to not rely on anything else, and still be content with your life. Not to want more, or desire money or wealth. They then noticed that this applies to monks. However, as the majority of people are not so strong willed, such as bankers and con-artists, the world is most likely to be horrid. Cynicism comes into effect here by the idea that living in this type of world will lead to a distrusting life.
First off, defining the world by a few people is prejudice. Saying 'a few people are corrupt, so all humans are' is very assumptive. Happiness can just as easily be found with people who aren't so warped by the idea of wealth that it distresses people; there are people who don't aim for nothing, but enough to get by.
I am actually reminded of something that I had to research for an RS lesson, although I have only just found use for it. Nicky Cruz had a hard life, running away from home and becoming a gangster leader. A preacher approached him and told him about god's love, and he was so shocked by the notion of someone loving unconditionally that he threatened the preacher.
He later attended a sermon with his gang to 'get some payback', but ended up giving money to the collection. The preacher asked him to bring the collection onto the stage, baffling Nicky when he passed a fire escape on his way up that could create an easy steal. The sheer thought of someone trusting him changed his life, showing that even if the rest of the world is messed up, only one good thing needs to happen to make you smile. I just noticed I'm rambling.
An argument they continued onto is that the pessimists would expect the worse event happening, and therefore either be glad they were correct or glad something better than expected happened.
Whilst this works in theory, it also falls short in continuation. For a pessimist to look at a bad thing happening, or a better thing happening, they'd notice the bad event or that they were wrong, respectively, and comment on how life for them sucks. To look at these events and notice how they're correct or something good has happened, they would have to break their pessimistic view temporarily in favor of an optimistic one.
The final point I shall mention, as I am sleepy, is that the world 'revolves around negativity'. Not my words. The notion is that all good things are only noticed by a negative contrast, while a positive contrast would be too distracting. Therefore, a concept of good and bad is based on how we actually have a negative world, so pessimism is the reality of our world.
Bull. Any two things, regardless of how good or bad they are in comparison to a metaphoric neutral, can be seen as a good or bad in contrast to each other. Example, you have a 50:50 chance of getting a solid gold bar, or a solid gold bar and a fancy hat. You recognize the second as the better as you get an additional fancy hat, even though both are an improvement on nothing. Therefore, you'd consider it good to get the extra fancy hat than just the gold bar, so the gold bar on it's own could be comparatively bad. Much as it's a good thing to have the lesser of two evils, the greater of two goods is good too.
Frankly, pessimism is NOT realism. Nor is cynicism. I'm not saying optimism is, either. It is just as insane to see a turd and immediately think about how you can grow a carrot from that as it is to see an allotment and think how you could have your grave there. Realism is a completely independent thing entirely, based on the world as it is. Pessimism is thinking of the world at it's worst all the time, optimism is the reverse. Realism is a midpoint.
There's a reason the title isn't 'Pessimism, Realism' or 'Realism, Optimism'. They are named different because they are different.
This is highly philosophical and has tired my brain. Next time, I'll keep it simple and document why I hate coconuts and fungus.
Oh right. I read on a friends Facebook page that 'Pessimism is Realism'. Doesn't that just annoy you? If you actually agree, prepare for a scathing editorial blog about how wrong you are, and why your being wrong is a very bad thing.
Ok, so the basic argument. I shall start by listing the arguments said to me to support pessimism being accurate. Happiness is essentially the ability to not rely on anything else, and still be content with your life. Not to want more, or desire money or wealth. They then noticed that this applies to monks. However, as the majority of people are not so strong willed, such as bankers and con-artists, the world is most likely to be horrid. Cynicism comes into effect here by the idea that living in this type of world will lead to a distrusting life.
First off, defining the world by a few people is prejudice. Saying 'a few people are corrupt, so all humans are' is very assumptive. Happiness can just as easily be found with people who aren't so warped by the idea of wealth that it distresses people; there are people who don't aim for nothing, but enough to get by.
I am actually reminded of something that I had to research for an RS lesson, although I have only just found use for it. Nicky Cruz had a hard life, running away from home and becoming a gangster leader. A preacher approached him and told him about god's love, and he was so shocked by the notion of someone loving unconditionally that he threatened the preacher.
He later attended a sermon with his gang to 'get some payback', but ended up giving money to the collection. The preacher asked him to bring the collection onto the stage, baffling Nicky when he passed a fire escape on his way up that could create an easy steal. The sheer thought of someone trusting him changed his life, showing that even if the rest of the world is messed up, only one good thing needs to happen to make you smile. I just noticed I'm rambling.
An argument they continued onto is that the pessimists would expect the worse event happening, and therefore either be glad they were correct or glad something better than expected happened.
Whilst this works in theory, it also falls short in continuation. For a pessimist to look at a bad thing happening, or a better thing happening, they'd notice the bad event or that they were wrong, respectively, and comment on how life for them sucks. To look at these events and notice how they're correct or something good has happened, they would have to break their pessimistic view temporarily in favor of an optimistic one.
The final point I shall mention, as I am sleepy, is that the world 'revolves around negativity'. Not my words. The notion is that all good things are only noticed by a negative contrast, while a positive contrast would be too distracting. Therefore, a concept of good and bad is based on how we actually have a negative world, so pessimism is the reality of our world.
Bull. Any two things, regardless of how good or bad they are in comparison to a metaphoric neutral, can be seen as a good or bad in contrast to each other. Example, you have a 50:50 chance of getting a solid gold bar, or a solid gold bar and a fancy hat. You recognize the second as the better as you get an additional fancy hat, even though both are an improvement on nothing. Therefore, you'd consider it good to get the extra fancy hat than just the gold bar, so the gold bar on it's own could be comparatively bad. Much as it's a good thing to have the lesser of two evils, the greater of two goods is good too.
Frankly, pessimism is NOT realism. Nor is cynicism. I'm not saying optimism is, either. It is just as insane to see a turd and immediately think about how you can grow a carrot from that as it is to see an allotment and think how you could have your grave there. Realism is a completely independent thing entirely, based on the world as it is. Pessimism is thinking of the world at it's worst all the time, optimism is the reverse. Realism is a midpoint.
There's a reason the title isn't 'Pessimism, Realism' or 'Realism, Optimism'. They are named different because they are different.
This is highly philosophical and has tired my brain. Next time, I'll keep it simple and document why I hate coconuts and fungus.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
The only issue with religion
If anyone ends up reading this (humerous concept, I know), I'm going to get endless streams of uneducated and illogical people arguing needless points. To dodge any direct religious disagreement, I am going to use Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings as holy books.
Here's the main issue with religion: They're not that different. Both books are based on the struggle against evil and saying you can overcome these obstacles if you stick with your friends. The meanings are practically the same, but people will leap right over the meaning when trying to argue.
Smeagle died in a volcano because he couldn't let go, and Hermione took forever to make friends because she was so stuck up. If people want to argue supremacy of one of these series, they will ignore this and only pick whatever supports their side.
Thing is, these books are there for the same reason, to keep you entertained. They don't go in the same way of doing it, but if you go through one of the books with a pen and a highlighter to make it comply entirely with the other book, you've just lost a great element of their fictional universe.
It seriously doesn't matter what you call it: Gandalf or Dumblebore, Sauron or Voldemort, Ringwraiths or Dementors, Mary and Pippin or Fred and George; they're not that different and they still do what they were meant to.
Then you have another issue: people following exactly what the books say, because it's said in one specific section, and it agrees with your philosophy.
People could say that Harry Potter is telling everyone to run into other peoples exams with fireworks, destroying signs, terrifying the teachers you don't like and then flee as fast as you can to start your own business. Sure, it's a little unorthodox, and it goes against the majority of rules pretty much everyone says, even the book it's written in, but it happened in the book and nobody batted an eyelid, so it must be ok!
That book has someone make a white stag which pulsates using only a stick. If you can do that, then go ahead and disrupt education all you like.
Then there's the immense debate and practical wars over minute details. There's some cases of people writing into JK Rowling with death threats and burning books because of Harry getting together with Ginny in book 6 while they personally ship Harry Hermione. That's going a bit far. A single relationship not happening shouldn't ruin your experiance of an amazing book which sparked your interest in the shipping in the first place. You may need to just loosen up and accept you're not completely correct about everything under the sun.
Now, I'm perfectly aware everyone will read this and think "REDICULOUS! (boggart defeated) How smart can this person be? Would people honestly go to war over Harry Potter?"
It is rediculous to go to war over a book, yes. But, for some reason, it's the perfect reason to take your own life and millions of others.
Here's the main issue with religion: They're not that different. Both books are based on the struggle against evil and saying you can overcome these obstacles if you stick with your friends. The meanings are practically the same, but people will leap right over the meaning when trying to argue.
Smeagle died in a volcano because he couldn't let go, and Hermione took forever to make friends because she was so stuck up. If people want to argue supremacy of one of these series, they will ignore this and only pick whatever supports their side.
Thing is, these books are there for the same reason, to keep you entertained. They don't go in the same way of doing it, but if you go through one of the books with a pen and a highlighter to make it comply entirely with the other book, you've just lost a great element of their fictional universe.
It seriously doesn't matter what you call it: Gandalf or Dumblebore, Sauron or Voldemort, Ringwraiths or Dementors, Mary and Pippin or Fred and George; they're not that different and they still do what they were meant to.
Then you have another issue: people following exactly what the books say, because it's said in one specific section, and it agrees with your philosophy.
People could say that Harry Potter is telling everyone to run into other peoples exams with fireworks, destroying signs, terrifying the teachers you don't like and then flee as fast as you can to start your own business. Sure, it's a little unorthodox, and it goes against the majority of rules pretty much everyone says, even the book it's written in, but it happened in the book and nobody batted an eyelid, so it must be ok!
That book has someone make a white stag which pulsates using only a stick. If you can do that, then go ahead and disrupt education all you like.
Then there's the immense debate and practical wars over minute details. There's some cases of people writing into JK Rowling with death threats and burning books because of Harry getting together with Ginny in book 6 while they personally ship Harry Hermione. That's going a bit far. A single relationship not happening shouldn't ruin your experiance of an amazing book which sparked your interest in the shipping in the first place. You may need to just loosen up and accept you're not completely correct about everything under the sun.
Now, I'm perfectly aware everyone will read this and think "REDICULOUS! (boggart defeated) How smart can this person be? Would people honestly go to war over Harry Potter?"
It is rediculous to go to war over a book, yes. But, for some reason, it's the perfect reason to take your own life and millions of others.
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