Monday, 28 March 2011

What annoys me

As I wrote the title, I realized how my blogs are a really dull analyzing of everything or a negative outlook, which is really not who I am. I'm a generally ignorant optimist who secludes himself to a virtual world.

But, I now feel the need to list the six most irritating thing in my life. If you do one of these things and I yell at you, you're probably luckier than the person who does this while I suppress my rage.

So, starting at number six is the ignorant! Like, blindingly ignorant, to the point that they lap the idea of a lovable ditz and become the arrogant know-it-all who only knows false things.

This can range from chavs in school who are under the impression that they are so 'well-'ard' that they need to prove their strength by tormenting and slapping kids that are just minding their own business looking up fire-arms (I'm looking at you, Lorenzo!) to people who will actually listen to somebody elses point of view and then seconds later retcon all the information you just gave from their head and continue their frankly illogical argument as if it's more valid than an argument that turns alcoholics into artistic geniuses.

Next up: number five. It's sort of a pet peeve, but you know when you're dragging something solid like the edge of a bit of card or a fingernail across a piece of fabric like nylon or a bit of string? Yeah, that gives me shivers and makes me cringe... It's just... mean...

Number four: It's the idea that something's funny if said enough. Apparently, according to number 5, the word N*gger said repeatedly and quickly is worth a LLOL (I'll explain later). The same idea apparently applies to 'big booty b*tches' and the stammer of that little pig in Loony Toons without dialogue. And how they act like a comedy act consists of taking one word said by a person you're having a go at and saying it for an hour in a silly voice. I'm having a go at the chavs from number five, but for a different reason (so shut your face, Rhys).

Number three: whenever I'm trying to pay attention to something, like a film or the computer or even just my thought, and then some random dude comes along and is all like 'hEEEy guY! i sEe you WaNt 2 waTcH tHis FilM, so i'M GoiNG To STAnd In fROnt oF YoU aNd tALk VerY LoUdlY!!!', I fail to see how it's MY fault for their slaughter. I'm trying to pay attention, so shut up!

Number two: Mold. Buuuuuhuuhuuuuhuhuhuhuhu... Make that ANY FUNGUS! It's just horrid! Would rather the chavs making that card of rope sound repeatedly and laughing their asses off than even THINK of mold. It's EVIL! Kill the mold! Kill it with fire! Kill every spore! There's a reason I hate mushrooms. I actually used to beat them with a stick if I saw some in the garden. Just...

Never send me a Parasect on Pokemon. Never.

Number one: kind of obvious. If you ever upset Angel, expect me to treat fungus kind in comparison to you. You NEVER upset her. Got that?! I do not need to say any more.

O.K. I eagerly await the next, more positive blog. In the meantime, read Angel's Blog and Turnip's Blog. Not too active right now, but give it time.

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