Thursday, 7 July 2011


They are not called aliens. I want to say that right off.

Aliens literally means outsider, and could therefore include the french, so you'd need something specific for people from another world. Plus, we've been raised calling every non-earth resident to be an alien, and that would be rude to say on another world. I prefer to think of it as Off-worlders and natives, the first being anyone from a world besides the one you're on and the other being, well, native.

Another thing about the term alien is we often call it an alien world. I'm sorry, but what alienates that world? Ours is pretty solitary, and there's little that separates Altorn from Mars. Alien world is the biggest misnomer I've ever heard.

So, getting more to the nitpicking. Alien stereotypes.

A good reason I like the film 'Paul' is that it addresses almost every stereotype. If something addresses why it uses standard designs, I tend to enjoy it more.

Both Paul and Doctor who state why we have that design. Paul says we got the design off of him to get us used to his species in case of contact. Doctor who has the silence exist in a latent memory, seeping into artworks over time.

Tiny little word of victory is that Paul responds to "Are you an alien?" with "To you, yes." In your face?

Another thing. UFO. Unidentified Flying Object. Why not call it what it is: a spacecraft? There. Identified. Now stop using that acronym. It bugs me.

Oh, and if an Off-worlder does land, why would it assume we're the dominant species? The planet is mainly water, so they'd probably guess a fish is more adapted than us. It's a bit weird that I'm using South Park as an example, but they had a species who spoke in cow, so assumed cows to be the most intelligent species.

I guess it's because humans have developed to think we're the start-all and end-all of the universe. We think we're such paragons of good that any alien species is an open target if we dislike them or they try to do to us what we do to cows (who might be the most intelligent creatures).

I'm bored of talking about this now, so I'll stop.

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