Thursday, 9 June 2011

An undeniable thought

Once in a while, something will occur to me. I don't know what sets it off, cause it varies each time. But surely enough, I will eventually return to the thought which I cannot argue with, nor do I want to honestly.

I'd make a damn good Doctor. Not as in actor, but as in a timelord.

Let's look at the requirements for a timelord:
  1. Must be intelligent. Well, I can guess the big reveal of a number of doctor who episodes. Not to mention I apparently had the highest score for the logic test in my school years back.
  2. Must be protective of the timeline. I am definitely that. I understand the 4th dimension pretty well and some of my favourite films are about the time stream continuum being damaged and fixed. Heck, look at my very first blog.
  3. Must be very resourceful. I'm pretty resourceful, if I do say so myself. I'm currently using a fanny-pack which I must not wear under any circumstances as a penholder.
  5. Must be eccentric. *ahem* Would you please glance your eyes upwards?
  6. Must have weird things in their posession. I have a pair of glasses that show little stars (actually hexagons, grumble grumble) in the light. They work best off of small lights, but it does give everything an awesome glow!
  7. Must have two hearts. Well, I'm halfway there!
  8. Must have some very timey-wimey relationships. I could very possibly have a daughter who was born in the future living in the present for some reason.
  9. Few people on earth must know they exist. Not by my intention at all, but this blog is a very obscure feature of the internet.
Fact of the matter is, I would be a very good timelord! Failing that, I will settle for being a companion. Cause, you know, every one of those things on the list are also good traits for companions. Vital, even. Yup... every item on the list... Even 7...

Please note that I may very possibly outshine you in every respect that doesn't show the need of time travel. Though I'm sure one trip would solve that.

I'm not making a convincing job application, am I? Oh well. What's your ideal career?

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